How to Calculate Relative Standard Deviation

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The standard deviation is a statistical parameter that allows evaluating the dispersion of a set of values. If the average of a set of values ​​is calculated, the standard deviation evaluates the difference of the values ​​in the set from the average. Remember that the average (or mean) of a set of values ​​is the sum of all of them divided by the number of values ​​we have. The relative standard deviation is the ratio of the standard deviation to the average of the set of values; It gives an idea of ​​the dispersion of the values ​​with respect to the values ​​themselves . Let’s see how it is calculated.

The standard deviation σ is calculated with the following formula:

Standard deviation σ of a sample.
Standard deviation σ of a sample.

Expressed in words: if we have a set with n values, we subtract from each value of the set that we analyze, which we denote with the subscript i , the average of all the values. We square each of these differences and add them, to then divide the result by the number of values ​​in the set n minus 1 ( n – 1), and calculate the square root of this value.

Samples and populations

The standard deviation has two different definitions, depending on the type of data we are analyzing. This difference implies a slightly different calculation.

The standard deviation can be calculated on an entire population or on a sample of a population. If data is collected from all members of a population or a set, the standard deviation of a population must be used. If you are analyzing data that represents a sample from a larger population, you must use the standard deviation of a sample.

The difference in the calculation is that, in the case of the standard deviation of a sample, the difference between each value and the squared average is divided by the number of values ​​minus 1 ( n – 1), as we see in the figure . For the standard deviation of a population, divide by n .

The relative standard deviation

As already said, the average of a set of values, which we will now call p , is the sum of all of them divided by the number of values ​​n . Following the previous definition, the relative standard deviation σ r is calculated with the following formula

σr = σ/ p

The relative standard deviation σ r is usually expressed as a percentage of the average p ; in that case the formula takes the following form

σr = ( σ x 100)/ p


Sergio Ribeiro Guevara (Ph.D.)
Sergio Ribeiro Guevara (Ph.D.)
(Doctor en Ingeniería) - COLABORADOR. Divulgador científico. Ingeniero físico nuclear.

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