How to express enthusiasm and joy with words

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It is very easy to realize the joy that another person is experiencing, because their face will exhibit characteristic gestures of happiness: a smile, laughter, open eyes, squared shoulders or raised arms. The way in which our body shows joy is quite easy to observe.

These types of feelings can also go hand in hand with some phrases or idioms that can help us express our joy.

jump for joy

It can be conjugated in different ways, you can also observe some vocabulary variants that will depend on the region and the level of formality of the conversation.

  • Luisa was jumping for joy .
  • She was jumping for joy .
  • He was jumping for joy .
  • We all almost jumped for joy .

It can also be observed with the verb to jump

  • Luisa was jumping for joy .

be happier than a partridge

With this sentence we are not so much concerned with the emotional state of the partridge, but with the rhyme. Partridge and happy come together to give musicality to this fun expression about happiness. You can also vary the verb to be by some other of appropriate meaning according to the context; however, it is not very common, since idioms are fixed constructions of the language.

  • José is happier than a partridge.
  • I felt happier than a partridge.

Similarly, linked by rhyme, we can see similar examples that rhyme happy and worm . We also find the words happy and licorice in the following sentence:

  • Happier than licorice .

be in seventh heaven

In this case, the phrase can refer not only to happiness but also to comfort, that is, it speaks of someone who feels very comfortable in a place or with some situation. It seems to be related to the celestial belief in the superiority and perfection of the heavens; seventh heaven corresponds to paradise in some religions.

  • Since they hired a new administrator, we in the office have been in seventh heaven.
  • They were the best holidays of the year, I was in seventh heaven.

express happiness with adjectives

Apart from the idiomatic expressions that we can use to express joy, there is a wide variety of adjectives related to positive feelings. Some are: joyful , happy , glad , excited , jubilant , exhilarated , excited , joyful , and more.

To these adjectives we can add adverbs that intensify their intention such as very, quite, well and even in some informal conversations they could use the adverb too much without it denoting a negative effect on the sentence.


Isabel Matos (M.A.)
Isabel Matos (M.A.)
(Master en en Inglés como lengua extranjera.) - COLABORADORA. Redactora y divulgadora.

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