What is patriotism? Definition, pros, cons and curiosities

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Some examples of negative patriotism in history include:

In 1798 extreme patriotism, motivated by fear of war with France, led the United States Congress to enact the Alien and Sedition Acts. These laws allowed the imprisonment of certain US immigrants without due process of law and, in addition, restricted the freedom of expression and of the press stipulated in the First Amendment.

During the First and Second Red Scares, in the 1950s, thousands of Americans were accused by the government of being communist sympathizers. This happened not only without evidence to the contrary, but also without the opportunity to defend himself. Thus, these citizens were sentenced to exile and prosecuted for their alleged political beliefs.


Carolina Posada Osorio (BEd)
Carolina Posada Osorio (BEd)
(Licenciada en Educación. Licenciada en Comunicación e Informática educativa) -COLABORADORA. Redactora y divulgadora.

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