Ways to remove a tree

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Trees provide oxygen, transform inorganic matter into organic matter, store carbon, stabilize the soil and prevent erosion, give life to the world’s fauna, provide us with shade and materials to build tools and shelter, and so on. For all this and more, trees are considered vital to the planet and, rather than eliminate them, what you have to do is plant them.

However, there are species of trees that grow in areas where they should not, either because their habitat is not suitable or because the soil they are in is not ideal for their development. When this happens, the tree is said to be invasive and what they recommend is to remove it and, if possible, plant a suitable species for the area where the invasive species was.

There are several methods to remove a tree without affecting the life of other plants or other living things. Knowing which method is ideal will depend on the condition of the tree you want to remove; however, the most common methods of doing so are listed below:

physical methods

Physical methods or techniques are used to remove a tree without using chemicals . Methods to remove a tree without using herbicides include salt, copper nails, and the usual techniques that require the use of tools such as a chainsaw or backhoe. Some of these techniques are explained in more detail below.

Remove a tree using salt

Using salt to kill an invasive tree is considered one of the best options, since it is not a chemical and does not break down the soil. However, this technique necessarily also involves removing the crown and trunk of the tree with a chainsaw or ax and, immediately afterwards, using the salt. For this, as many holes as possible should be made in the tree stump. The next step is to fill the holes with salt and water. Removing a tree with this technique implies taking maximum care of the environment, but it is also the slowest method to do it.

use copper nails

Another commonly used way to remove an unwanted tree is to use copper nails, which are driven into the bark of the tree and act as herbicides. The copper penetrates the cells of the tree, which are poisoned to death. To achieve this, the nail must be embedded close to the base of the tree, ensuring that it has a 45 degree angle and with the greatest possible depth. This is also a slow method and it can take up to a year to completely remove the tree.

Chemical methods: use of herbicides

One of the ways to eliminate a tree through chemical products is with the use of herbicides . Herbicides stop the growth of unwanted plants and, with proper use, can eliminate an invasive tree without harming the environment. This is an option that must be carried out carefully, since the irresponsible and inappropriate use of herbicides can affect other living beings and cause their death.

The most environmentally friendly options are to apply the herbicide to a specific area of ​​the tree, although in some cases the only viable option is to use an herbicide sprayer.

types of herbicides

There are five main types of herbicides, of which only three are allowed for use in the home or on crops.

  • Triclopyr amine and triclopyr ester. These are herbicides of the growth regulator type, and are the most recommended.
  • Aminopyralid. It is effective above all to eliminate unwanted legumes.
  • Glyphosate and Imazapyr. These herbicides are not recommended despite being allowed, as they kill plants by interfering with the synthesis of plant proteins and cause damage to other living beings.

Ways to use herbicides

The correct use of chemical products allows to eliminate an invasive species without causing damage to other plants or species or to the ecosystem in which it is found, and can be used to eliminate the tree without felling it, or by controlling roots or stumps once the tree is cut down

tree control

The methods of controlling trees with herbicides are carried out without cutting down the tree, with a treatment on its bark. Some of these methods are as follows:

  1. The basal spray. With this method, the herbicide is sprayed thoroughly at the base of the tree or poured evenly on the bark around the base. To do this, it is applied up to the point of runoff using about 200 grams of liquid for each meter of stem diameter. An ax is also used to trim or cut the larger stems near the base, and the mixture is applied generously to the florets or cuttings. If possible, it is best to use this method in winter or early spring.
  2. Treatments with cuts on the surface . This technique consists of creating a path through the bark in order to introduce the herbicide into the vascular tissue of the plant, making a series of cuts downward around the circumference of the tree with an axe, leaving a section of cut bark connected to the tree. , as it is the area where the herbicide is applied. This method should be avoided in spring.
  3. injection treatments. To carry out this method, specialized tree injection equipment is used to administer a specific amount of herbicide into the stem after making a cut. The treatments are effective when the injections are made every half a meter around the tree. Injection treatments are usually carried out by a company specializing in tree removal, as it requires a high investment in equipment.

stalk control

Control of stems or stumps is done when the tree is felled or by using herbicide irrigation methods in the soil without felling the tree. Stem control methods include:

  1. Foliar treatments. Also known as foliar spray, this is a common method of applying herbicides to weeds up to 5 meters high. Treatments are less effective when it is very hot and when trees are under severe water stress, at which time the use of herbicides is not recommended.
  2. soil treatments. They are applied evenly to the soil surface so they can pass into the root zone of plants. With the banding (also called beading or streaking) application technique, a concentrated solution is applied to the soil in a line or band spaced every half to one meter around the tree.
  3. Stump treatments. This technique is used after a tree is felled and is most widely used because it minimizes the chance of regrowth by immediately treating the freshly cut surface with herbicide to prevent regrowth. On larger trees, the herbicide is applied only to the outer 5-6 centimeters, including the cambium layer of the stump, as the inner heartwood of the tree is dead by then.

Warning on the use of chemicals

  • All herbicides are poisonous and must always be used with care.
  • Carefully follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and the suggestions on the container label.
  • Store all chemicals in their original, labeled containers in a locked cabinet or shed, away from food or feed, and out of the reach of children, irresponsible people, pets, and livestock.
  • It is recommended that empty containers be buried and excess spray material disposed of properly.
  • Never burn empty herbicide containers.


  • Steltzer, H. (2006). Removing Unwanted Trees from Your Forest: Part I & 2. Green Horizons, 10(1).
  • Removing Invasive Trees: Ripping and Banding, A Guide for Voluntary Organizations. Crop area, watershed protection for the city of Austin (Texas).
  • Enloe, S. & Langeland, K. (2016). Herbicides to kill invasive trees in home landscapes and surrounding natural areas.

Carolina Posada Osorio (BEd)
(Licenciada en Educación. Licenciada en Comunicación e Informática educativa) -COLABORADORA. Redactora y divulgadora.

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