What are electrostatic forces?

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Electrostatic forces are generated when an imbalance in the charge of objects occurs. In this way it produces:

  • Contact Charge – Objects come into contact and become charged in a positive or negative way. That is, the electrons in each atom of the object begin to move. If an electron passes from one object to another, the first remains positively charged and the second negatively charged.
  • Friction load : in this case the objects are in contact and also friction occurs between them. Objects are charged positively or negatively and further electrostatic discharge occurs.

Coulomb’s law and the electrostatic force

Coulomb’s law is very important in chemistry and physics. It maintains that the magnitude of each of the electrical forces with which two charges at rest interact is directly proportional to the product of the magnitude of both charges. It is also inversely proportional to the square of the distance that separates them. The electrostatic force is considered repulsive if the charges have the same sign, that is, both positive or negative, and attractive if they have the opposite sign, one positive and the other negative.

Application and uses of electrostatic forces

Currently, electrostatic forces are used in printing methods, such as xerography, subatomic particle accelerators, air filters, sterilization of environments and medical equipment, and in food processing plants and industrial processes. It is also used in microwaves, televisions, mobile phones, and other electronic devices.

However, in some electronic objects, these forces can cause damage. To avoid them, antistatic elements are developed and used.


  • Al-Khalili, J. The Physics Book . (2020). Spain. dk.
  • Serway, R.A.; Jewett, JW Physics for science and engineering . (2015, vol. 2). Spain. Cengage Learning.
  • Fernandez Ferrer, J.; Pujal Carrera, M. Introduction to physics. (2009, volume 1). Spain. Editorial Reverté.

Cecilia Martinez (B.S.)
Cecilia Martinez (B.S.)
Cecilia Martinez (Licenciada en Humanidades) - AUTORA. Redactora. Divulgadora cultural y científica.

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