Who was A’Lelia Walker? Origin and history

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A’Lelia was married three times. The first was with John Robinson, a waiter; however, this union did not last and they separated in 1914. Years later, she married Dr. Wiley Wilson, whom she also later divorced. Her third marriage was to Dr. James Arthur Kennedy, in 1926. She was married to him until a few months before her death.

Mae Walker

In 1912 A’Leila adopted a girl, Fairy Mae Bryant (1898-1945), whom she named Mae Walker. Mae also became part of the family business, working alongside her grandmother as an assistant and model. After A’Lelia’s death, Mae became president of the company until her death in 1945.

A’Lelia Perry Bundles

A’Leila is the great-granddaughter of Madam CJ Walker, the granddaughter of A’Lelia Walker, and the daughter of Mae Walker. With her, the company was led by four generations. Currently, she lives in the United States, is a journalist and continues to honor her ancestors. In addition, she wrote the biography of her great-grandmother.

Crisis and financial problems

With the Great Depression in the United States, the company suffered heavy losses. A’Lelia Walker had to sell part of her estate, including the Dark Tower in 1930, as well as some art she owned.

death and legacy

A’Lelia passed away on August 17, 1931, at the age of 46, due to a brain hemorrhage. Many people attended his funeral, including many personalities from the Harlem art world.

Today, the company’s building in Indianapolis is known as the Madam Walker Theater Center and is part of the National Historic Site of the United States.


  • Neihart, B. Rough Amusements: The True Story of A’Lelia Walker, Patroness of the Harlem Renaissance’s Down-Low Culture . (2008). USA. ‎Bloomsbury USA.
  • A’Lelia Bundles. On Her Own Ground: The Life and Times of Madam C.J. Walker . (2002). USA. Scribner.
  • A’Lelia Bundles. All about Madam CJ Walker. (2020). USA. Blue River Press.
  • A’Lelia Bundles. Madam CJ Walkert official website. https://madamcjwalker.com

Cecilia Martinez (B.S.)
Cecilia Martinez (B.S.)
Cecilia Martinez (Licenciada en Humanidades) - AUTORA. Redactora. Divulgadora cultural y científica.

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