What is an intensive property? Definition and examples

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There are two types of intensive properties, general and characteristic. General properties may be common to several substances, while characteristic properties are specific to each substance and serve to identify it.

Examples of intensive properties

  • density . Relates the mass and volume of a body (m/V), and indicates the amount of matter (mass) that a body has for each unit of volume.
  • Specific heat . It indicates the capacity with which a substance exchanges heat with its surroundings.
  • temperature . Physical magnitude that indicates the internal energy of a substance, or more generally, of a thermodynamic system.
  • hardness . The ability of a solid substance to resist deformation or abrasion of its surface.
  • boiling point . The temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gaseous state.
  • concentration . Ratio between solute and solvent in a chemical solution.

Emilio Vadillo (MEd)
Emilio Vadillo (MEd)
(Licenciado en Ciencias, Master en Educación) - COORDINADOR EDITORIAL. Autor y editor de libros de texto. Editor (papel y digital). Divulgador científico.

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