The 5 main branches of chemistry

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Its origin dates back to the mid-19th century, with the discoveries of Louis Pasteur. In the centuries that followed, important advances were made that helped make biochemistry a major branch of chemistry.

In 1869 nuclein was discovered and, in 1897, the ability of yeast to ferment sugar. In 1920 it was discovered that there are DNA and RNA in cells and from there a great number of discoveries were developed.

Currently, biochemistry has various applications in the sectors of medicine, biotechnology, agri-food, pharmacology and others.

Analytic chemistry

Analytical chemistry comprises the study of the chemistry of matter. It also includes the development of tools that are used to measure and analyze the properties of matter. It focuses on the understanding of matter, that is, on the materials that make up a sample; uses experimental or laboratory methods to analyze them.

Analytical chemistry has accompanied chemistry since its inception. Provides methods to find out what elements or substances are in a sample. The first instrumental analysis performed was flame emission spectrometry and it was developed by chemists Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff. ​

Most of the advances in analytical chemistry were carried out from the 20th century: in particular, spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques were created and perfected. In the 1970s, several techniques began to be used simultaneously for better analysis. Subsequently, the application of analytical chemistry was expanded to other areas such as medicine and industry.

Currently, analytical chemistry is based on instrumental analysis, either through specialization in one instrument, or comprehensive use of several instruments.

physical chemistry

Physical chemistry is the branch that interrelates the study of physics with that of chemistry. It covers the applications of thermodynamics, electromagnetics, quantum mechanics and others. It also focuses on chemical processes between molecules, subatomic particles, and atoms. This science studies physicochemical phenomena using molecular and atomic physics techniques.

Other branches of Chemistry

In addition to the 5 main branches of Chemistry mentioned above, there are also other disciplines such as polymer chemistry, geochemistry, and chemical engineering.


  • Donelly, B. Organic Chemistry . (2020, audiobook). Audible. Northern Press.
  • Chang, R. Chemistry . (2020). Spain. McGraw-Hill.
  • Petrucci, R. General Chemistry . (2017). Spain. pearson.

Cecilia Martinez (B.S.)
Cecilia Martinez (B.S.)
Cecilia Martinez (Licenciada en Humanidades) - AUTORA. Redactora. Divulgadora cultural y científica.

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