Reasons why chemistry is important

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Chemistry is a broad science that studies the composition, structure, properties and transformation of matter, as well as the relationship that these transformations have with energy. In this sense, it is a science that studies phenomena ranging from the simplest, such as a gas in a sealed container, to the complexities of global warming and life itself.

The word chemistry comes from the word alchemy , the name of an ancient set of protoscientific practices that encompassed various elements of modern science. Alchemy, practiced at least since about the year 330, in addition to seeking the manufacture of gold, studied the composition of water, the nature of movement, growth, the formation of bodies and their decomposition, and the spiritual connection between bodies and spirits. An alchemist used to be called a chemist in everyday language, and officially, after the publication in 1661 of the book The Skeptical Chemist, the art he practiced would be called chemistry.

Most people view chemistry as an experimental science that is confined to a laboratory, where a person in a lab coat and a pair of safety glasses mixes solutions to carry out chemical reactions. This makes those who are not related to science or engineering wonder what is the use of learning chemistry? But chemistry goes much further than that. Chemical processes can also be directly seen and studied in other, completely different contexts. For example, not everyone knows that many chemists use molecular modeling techniques, which draw conclusions from computer models, without even going near a laboratory.

Why is chemistry important?

From the changes that occur in ingredients when preparing a recipe, to the effect of antifreeze added to a car’s cooling system, almost everything can be explained by some principle or chemical process. Going deeper into the subject, the answer to Why is chemistry important? it has many vertices and many shades. It’s easy to say that chemistry is important because everything is made of chemicals (which it is), but there are many other reasons why chemistry is an important part of everyday life and why everyone should understand chemistry. basic chemistry. Next, we will show several reasons and opinions why chemistry is so important in daily life.

we are chemical beings

Despite being the most obvious reason, it’s still a reason why chemistry is important. All living beings are made of different chemical substances and understanding how these substances behave has allowed us, as a species, to understand how we function, and, above all, why sometimes our bodies do not work well.

“Chemistry is very important in our daily life, chemical reactions take place in our bodies all the time. With the help of chemistry, we can cure most deadly or dangerous diseases. By studying chemistry, we can learn the biochemical changes that occur in our bodies.” —Sneha Jadhao

“Most biology and anatomy and physiology courses start with chemistry, rather than nutrients, medicines and poisons, all we do is chemistry. Geology too: why do we wear diamonds and not calcium carbonate on our fingers? —Foxkin _

“Chemistry permeates all processes, from airborne particles to specialized cellular functions and engineering materials for space exploration. We are Chemistry!” —M.J. _

“It is a science very close to human life, non-human and inanimate matter, it is essential to learn chemistry because of man’s desire to improve medical solutions to the challenges of newly discovered ailments.” —Peter Chiti

Chemistry demystifies nature

There are countless examples of chemical reactions and processes that seem supernatural, and that many have interpreted as divine intervention, witchcraft, or magic. One of many examples is the mysterious blue glow that can be seen in some parts of the ocean. For years, the Chinese and Japanese attributed the glow to dragons or other mythical creatures, but today it is known that the light is just the product of a chemical reaction that occurs in a species of phytoplankton.

As can be seen, chemistry has the ability to shed light on many mysteries that haunt or intrigue us, removing uncertainty and superstition and replacing it with a new sense of wonder at the natural world.

« In Africa, we believe that chemistry explains witchcraft and is responsible for the manufacture of the concoctions used in art.» —Patrick Chege

Knowing chemistry can save our lives

Understanding such elementary concepts as acidity and basicity and even the nomenclature of the different types of chemical substances can be very useful in different situations. A battery acid burn can be very serious, but if we remember that bases neutralize acids, we can think of treating the affected area with baking soda or sodium carbonate immediately, preventing the burn from getting worse. On the other hand, understanding the difference between methanol (which is poisonous) and ethyl alcohol can easily help us avoid drinking something that could easily end our lives.

«Water or sulfuric acid? Propylene glycol or ethylene glycol? It’s good to be able to tell them apart. Chemistry is important because it helps you identify toxic or dangerous substances. Of course, labeling your chemicals also helps a lot.” —Gemdragon _

Makes life more fun and interesting

Since everything is made up of chemical compounds, knowing chemistry allows us to look at the world in a different way. It makes everything more interesting and motivates us to be more observant. Unlike other sciences, we can see all the concepts being learned in action, every day. It is impossible to get bored if everything is interesting.

“It’s very important. Chemistry is applied in all fields of life. Chemistry education is not only the source of getting a good job, but also a fun and practical way to make life interesting.” —Sony _

Chemistry allows us to understand the universe

Chemical substances exist throughout the universe and, as far as is known, they all behave in the same way when subjected to the same conditions. In view of this, chemistry helps predict how things are in other places in the universe without our having to go there personally.

“Chemistry is said to be the knowledge of observing this universe. And in our holy Quran, Allah Almighty said that “intelligent is the person who observes this universe”. That’s all about chemistry.” —Amin_malik _

The development of science and technology goes hand in hand with the development of chemistry

Chemistry is always present, to a greater or lesser degree, in all technological advances. No mobile phone, computer or tablet would exist without chemistry. To begin with, chemistry allowed the development of the polymers of which the plastics that make up some components are composed. It is also responsible for all the extraction and purification processes that allow obtaining all the metals and semiconductors necessary to build each electronic component.

One of the most modern branches of science, nanoscience, would not exist if it were not for chemistry. Many of the fundamental materials for the study and development of nanotechnology, such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, nanoparticles and others, are synthesized following protocols and procedures that exist thanks to chemistry. Even the new quantum computing technologies are based, both theoretically and experimentally, on concepts of quantum chemistry.

“Innovative chemistry products lead to cutting-edge advances: applied technology in medical devices, aerospace, computing, automobiles, fuels, and more. That’s what chemistry enables: technological breakthroughs that drive innovation, create jobs and improve safety in our daily lives.” American Chemistry Council

A Few More Reasons Why Chemistry Is Important

There are countless other answers to the question Why is chemistry important? Here is a selection of answers to the question, from scientists, teachers, students, and readers just like you.

«Importance of Chemistry: Environmental chemistry describes various chemical elements present in the environment, their reactions and effects on the environment. It illustrates the main environmental segments and their interrelation and meanings.»
—Aminul _

“When we wake up we brush our teeth with toothpaste which is chemical, then we bathe with soap, eat our food (vitamins, minerals, water, folic acid), we get our hands on gasoline-powered vehicles…! We repel mosquitoes with repellents, which is chemical!” —Prandeep Borthakur

« Why is chemistry important? The food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, everything is made up of chemicals. Life cannot exist without chemistry.” Rocín

« Importance of chemistry: Chemistry creates an atmosphere of understanding how and what our most precious world is made of, everything is made up of multiple infinitesimal atoms packed together to give us a complete product.» Manqoba Mthabela

«Chemistry helps to improve health, the conservation of natural resources and the protection of the environment. Chemistry is the central science, fundamental to the understanding of other sciences and technology.» Anonymous

Israel Parada (Licentiate,Professor ULA)
Israel Parada (Licentiate,Professor ULA)
(Licenciado en Química) - AUTOR. Profesor universitario de Química. Divulgador científico.

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