What is the S orbital?

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The orbitals are identified with the following quantum numbers:

n = is the value of the energy level of an electron . It is represented by the numbers: 1, 2 and 3.

l = indicates the type of orbital and the energy sublevel. It is also known as angular momentum and its values ​​are integers from 0, 1, 2, 3… to -1. Based on the value of this quantum number, the type of orbital can be identified. For example when:

  • l= 0, the orbital has the form s .
  • l=1, it is a p -type orbital .
  • l = 2, is a d -type orbital .
  • l=3, indicates an orbital of type f .

m = represents the magnetic quantum number , which in turn indicates the orientation of the orbital in space . It is expressed with the numbers between the value l and the (-l), including 0.

s = is the electronic or rotational spin . It is indicated with fractional numbers, between 1/2 and -1/2.

The s orbital – characteristics and differences with other orbitals

The s orbital differs from other orbitals due to some of its specific characteristics:

  • It has a sphere shape around the nucleus.
  • It is characterized by having defined lines, but with little intensity.
  • Quantum numbers are: l = m = 0, but the value of n can change.
  • In these orbitals, there can be a maximum of two electrons.


  • It has a shape of two spheres flattened towards an axis.
  • It is characterized by its intense lines.
  • Their quantum numbers are: l = 1; m = -1, 0, 1.
  • There can be six electrons in this orbital.


  • It has different lobar shapes.
  • It has fuzzy lines.
  • It corresponds to the quantum number: l = 2.
  • In this orbital there can be ten electrons.

orbital f

  • It can have various forms.
  • It presents frequent lines in a wide spectrum.
  • It corresponds to the quantum number: l = 3.
  • In this orbital there can be fourteen electrons.

In addition to these orbitals, there are others, which are designated following the alphabetical order (g, h,…), but they are very rare.



Cecilia Martinez (B.S.)
Cecilia Martinez (B.S.)
Cecilia Martinez (Licenciada en Humanidades) - AUTORA. Redactora. Divulgadora cultural y científica.

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