Exergonic and endergonic reactions and processes

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To better understand the meaning of these two chemical reactions we must know what metabolism is about. Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions and processes that occur in cells and that are related to the maintenance of an organism’s life. In this sense, metabolism is divided into catabolism and anabolism, which in turn correspond to exergonic and endergonic reactions.

Exergonic (catabolic) reactions

They are those that release energy from the degradation of nutrients, for example, cellular respiration.

key facts

  • The Gibbs free energy change is negative.
  • It releases energy in the form of heat, light, etc.
  • They are spontaneous processes .
  • They release more energy than they absorb.

endergonic (anabolic) reactions

They are those that absorb energy through an external source. Photosynthesis is an example of an endergonic reaction in which an external source provides the energy that will be absorbed.

key facts

  • They are also called a non-spontaneous reaction.
  • The Gibbs free energy change is positive.
  • They require energy to be added to the reactants.
  • They may be coupled with exergonic reactions.
  • There is interaction between both reactions.
  • Endergonic reactions can be hastened with an exergonic reaction.


Mosquera, C. (2009). Endergonic and exergonic reactions . Available at: https://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/bitstream/123456789/6531/1/capitulo3%5B1%5D.2.pdf

Gonzalez, M. (2012). Endergonic reactions and exergonic reactions . Available at: https://quimica.laguia2000.com/conceptos-basicos/reacciones-endergonicas-y-reacciones-exergonicas

Isabel Matos (M.A.)
Isabel Matos (M.A.)
(Master en en Inglés como lengua extranjera.) - COLABORADORA. Redactora y divulgadora.

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