What is a heterogeneous mixture?

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Furthermore, a heterogeneous mixture can be converted into a homogeneous mixture through different processes.

The homogenization process

The homogenization process , as its name indicates, is a procedure that allows a heterogeneous mixture to become homogeneous , by balancing or leveling the elements that compose it. This is achieved by processing its components and uniting each of its features. Homogenized milk is a great example of converting a heterogeneous mixture to a homogeneous one. During the homogenization process, it is pulverized under pressure and its fat particles are reduced, turning into a cream. As a result of this process, the components of this product can no longer be distinguished and form a uniform mixture.

Mixture separation methods

There are also different techniques to perform the reverse process: separate the mixtures. Some of them are:

  • Evaporation : it is a physical process that can transform a liquid component into a gaseous one. This is achieved by causing a temperature rise. As a consequence, the boiling point is reached and its molecules will pass into a gaseous state.
  • Distillation : it is the process by which we can separate different components or liquid substances through the method of selective boiling and condensation.
  • Crystallization : It is a process by which certain substances adopt a crystalline form. Generally, it is used for substances made up of solutes dissolved in solvents.
  • Extraction – This technique is used to separate a solid compound from a liquid. For this, a solvent is used and the mixture is isolated from its natural sources.

Examples of heterogeneous mixtures

Some examples of heterogeneous mixtures in everyday life are:

  • Pasta and vegetable salad
  • vinaigrette and oil
  • Cocktail
  • Soda
  • Salt and pepper
  • sausages with spice
  • soup with noodles
  • Chocolate Chunk Cookies
  • milk with marshmallows
  • water with sand
  • Fruit salad
  • starchy water




Cecilia Martinez (B.S.)
Cecilia Martinez (B.S.)
Cecilia Martinez (Licenciada en Humanidades) - AUTORA. Redactora. Divulgadora cultural y científica.

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