Chemical formula of baking soda

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Baking soda has several uses in modern life. Some of them are:


  • Antacid: used to relieve heartburn and indigestion.
  • Antiseptic: its use is common in the treatment of mouth ulcers and sore throats.
  • In alternative medicine, sodium bicarbonate, due to its alkaline effect, is also considered a natural remedy against cancer. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that baking soda works as a treatment for any type of cancer or fungal infections.
  • It is used in “coqueo” as an alkalizing agent. It works together with saliva, softening the extraction of metabolites from the coca leaf. In this way, coqueo becomes a more effective and lasting process.


Sodium bicarbonate is also used in the cosmetic industry and as part of natural treatments.

  • Whitener: both in dental cleaning, since it polishes the surface of the enamel of the teeth, and in the dark areas of the skin.
  • Preparation of natural toothpaste.
  • Deodorant: can be used as a deodorant by applying it to the wet armpit. It also serves to neutralize bad odors in the home.
  • Shampoo Substitute – Works great as a natural replacement for chemical products like shampoos and conditioners.
  • Exfoliating: to decongest pores and remove impurities.
  • Masks: bicarbonate can be used to formulate regenerating natural masks.
  • Anti dandruff: directly on wet hair or including it in the shampoo.
  • Bath salt: bicarbonate helps to relax muscles and purify the skin.


In gastronomy, sodium bicarbonate is characterized by its different uses:

  • Color Preservation: Baking soda can be used to preserve the color of vegetables during cooking.
  • Leavening: Especially in baking, baking soda is used to help rise a dough.
  • Acidity neutralization: in preparations that are acidic, such as tomato sauce.


In domestic cleaning it stands out for its abrasive and deodorizing power. Some of the most common uses in household cleaning are:

  • Silver and gold polish: Baking soda works to clean jewelry or objects made of these metals.
  • Mold removal: both on the walls and on tiles.
  • Oven and pipe cleaner.
  • Fabric softener: adding a small amount in the washing machine.
  • Furniture cleaning.
  • Removes oil and grease stains.
  • Disinfectant.

Other uses for baking soda

Baking soda is also used to:

  • Manufacture of fire extinguishers.
  • Pest control: ideal for eliminating ants, fleas and fungi.
  • Kitty Litter – Kitty litter can be made by combining recycled newspaper, water, and baking soda.
  • Remove glue from glass jars: by making a paste with a little oil and baking soda.


  • Moro Buronzo, A. The incredible properties of sodium bicarbonate . (2011). Barcelona. Obelisk Editions.
  • Ochoa Jaramillo, M. The wonderful uses of sodium bicarbonate. (2012). Spain. Fresh Letter.
  • Alegreo, MJ Secret to health: sodium bicarbonate . (2018). Spain. Kindle edition.

Cecilia Martinez (B.S.)
Cecilia Martinez (B.S.)
Cecilia Martinez (Licenciada en Humanidades) - AUTORA. Redactora. Divulgadora cultural y científica.

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