What is a carbonyl group?

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The most important characteristics of the carbonyl group are the following:

  1. It is characterized by having a carbon-oxygen double bond that is present in a variety of functional groups, including aldehydes and ketones.
  2. The reactivity of aldehydes and ketones originates essentially from the structure of the carbonyl group.
  3. The uninstallation in the carbon-oxygen bond together with the mentioned bond polarity allows the addition of a nucleophile.
  4. Among carbonyl compounds, aldehydes and ketones behave chemically in a similar way.
  5. The carbonyl group can be an aldehyde or ketone. When it is aldehyde, aldoses are formed and in the second case, ketoses are formed.
  6. The carbonyl group is planar; this means that the oxygen atoms, carbonyl carbon, and the two atoms attached to it are in the same plane.
  7. They have fairly high boiling points relative to hydrocarbons.
  8. Their boiling points are also lower than those of the alcohols to which they correspond.

Example of carbonyl group compounds

Some examples of carbonyl compounds are: acrolein; the metal compound of nickel carbonate Ni(CO) 4 , which contains the carbonyl group CO; mesityl oxide, acrylic acid and maleic acid. Unsaturated carbonyl compounds can be prepared in the laboratory via the aldol reaction or the Perkin reaction. Organic carbonyl compounds such as urea and carbonate also exist in nature; as well as some inorganic carbonyl compounds such as carbon dioxide, carbonyl sulfide, and phosgene.




Laura Benítez (MEd)
Laura Benítez (MEd)
(Licenciada en Química. Master en Educación) - AUTORA. Profesora de Química (Educación Secundaria). Redactora científica.

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