In its most basic form, coevolution is defined as evolution in two or more species brought about by reciprocal selective effects between those species...
Inside the cells is the information that determines the inheritance of the traits that the parents transmit to their descendants. This information is contained...
The Mayans are one of the most important pre-Hispanic civilizations, that is, those that occupied Abya Yala (as the American continent was called) before...
Francisco Pizarro was born in Trujillo, a city in Extremadura, in Spain. Together with his compatriots Diego Almagro and Hernando De Luque he undertook...
Erik Erikson (1903-1994) was a German psychoanalyst who proposed the theory of psychosocial development. After studying with the famous neurologist Sigmund Freud, he emigrated...
The Jenny spinning spinner was a machine invented in England in the mid-1760s by the Lancashire weaver James Hargreaves. This machine is considered an...
Also called the cingulate gyrus, cingulate gyrus, or callosum-marginal gyrus, the cingulate gyrus is a fold located on the inner face of the cerebral...
The Maryland State Government, through the Division of Vital Records (DVR) attached to the Maryland Department of Health (MDH), issues certified copies of birth,...
Sharks are aquatic animals that present sexual dimorphism, that is, external characteristics observable at some stage of life that differentiate males from females. Some...
The Giganotosaurus (whose name means "giant southern reptile") were dinosaurs that inhabited the Earth about 98 million years ago, during the late Cretaceous, in...
A cladogram is a branched diagram or dendrogram that reflects the evolutionary relationships between sister groups and that is built according to criteria from...
Naturalistic observation is a research method used in psychology and behavioral and social sciences, among others, that consists of observing the behavior of individuals...
Civic engagement has been defined by various authors, who coincide in pointing out the relationship between this concept and the way in which people,...
Science fairs are an educational strategy that facilitates the exchange of experiences. They consist of programmed activities in which students pose problems, develop research...
The United States Supreme Court building, located at One First Street, Washington DC, began construction in October 1932 and was delivered in 1935. The...
Containment was a policy formulated by career Foreign Service officer George F. Kennan, pictured. It consisted of a United States strategy to fight during...
The Virginia Plan was a proposal to establish a two-branch legislature in the newly founded United States. Although the Virginia Plan was not adopted...
Deviant behavior is any behavior that is contrary to the dominant norms of society. There are many different theories that explain how behavior comes...
Pamela Colman Smith was commissioned to illustrate the Rider-Waite tarot cards, often also called Rider-Waite-Smith, the most famous deck in North America. However, this...
Neurons are the cells responsible for receiving internal or external stimuli, processing them and transforming them into electrical signals called nerve impulses. Then, these...
Living beings need energy to carry out their vital functions, that is, those processes that keep them alive. Energy, in this physiological sense, is...
Reptiles evolved from an ancestral amphibian species about 250 million years ago. Among other traits, what made it possible for their ancestors to colonize...
Eukaryotic cells, that is, those that make up protists , fungi, plants and animals, present a scaffolding similar to a skeleton, the so-called cytoskeleton...